8dpo questions

Kalynn • Married since 11-11-22. TTC 😇

My period is supposed to come on Halloween. I cried last night when my fiancé made me a sandwich. I cried when he spun his fidget spinner and told him he was so talented. I cried over folding blankets. Cried when his brother said I had to get my stuff together and stop crying. Their both convinced I’m pregnant. But I took a test. And it was negative I think. I took a long nap. My boobs hurt and feel swollen. My stomach is achy. I cry. Then laugh then cry again in like a 2 minute period. I’m nauseous over certain smells that I usually haven’t been. I took a test this morning and I seen a vvvvvvvfl so I put a light under it and seen it better. It was first response red dye and the vvvvvvvfl was red. But after 10 minutes. It was no longer there. What is going on? The line won’t even show up on camera. Am I testing too early? What chance do I have to be actually pregnant with all the symptoms?