Do you hate school pick up/drop off lines?


Does anyone else have issues and fits of internal rage at school drop off/pickup lines?

I usually walk because I don’t want to deal with it and have to get there 30 min early even though I live 5 mins away but I’m 9 months pregnant and cant hardly move without feeling like this baby is going to pop out of me any second.

People be PARKING in the line and getting out to go into the school. I don’t get that. Today I had a car traveling the opposite direction flip a U-turn in the middle of the road with a bunch of cars behind them and then cut in front of me In line. There was space in front of me because our line is in front of houses and you don’t block driveways. The line started to move and as I was about to move is when they cut.

I realized it was the same lady that I’ve hung out with before and got bad vibes from. Her kids are violent and crazy and she always asks to hangout but she makes me uncomfortable so I don’t.

Made me mad but I realize it’s not that big of a deal, I’m trying not to let little things bother me so much. Definitely honked though. That was rude right? If you don’t want to wait in a long ass line then get here early like the rest of us.