IUD irregular period


Hey y’all so I need to know if anyone has had a similar experience but I had the mirena IUD for about 5 years. No period at all during that time. I started to have weird symptoms and thought it was my IUD so I got it taken out in July. In September I woke up in a lot of pain and was bleeding extremely heavy!! Like the most blood I have ever seen! Now before I got on my iud and from the time I was 16 and first got my period I was never able to track them they were so irregular and I always had heavy heavy periods that would just start and stop no warning. Well fast forward to September again I was in so much pain and bleeding so badly I called my OB and told her and she said if I needed to that I should go to the ER. I was bleeding through a super tampon and a pad in an hour or less for 5 days and had huge blood clots. I logged that incident here in the app and it predicted October 14 but I haven’t had a period since. I go to see my OB the 31st because I had an ultrasound done a week ago to check for anything abnormal. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this?

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