Pregmate tests


So I went to EBAY to look for pregmate ovulation tests/pregnancy tests (because I'm not on BC and want to prevent pregnancy by <a href="">tracking ovulation</a>) but anyways, I saw this:

At first I thought "hmm that can't be right, maybe they're selling some tests and showed the positive one to prove how good the results were" but as I dug deeper, I realized they're actually trying to sell a positive test for $8.

Being curious, I clicked 'see full description' and this is what I found:

What kind of sick world do we live in now where people actually think this is funny. I've never had fertility issues and I have 2 beautiful boys, but for women who can't have kids or are struggling and have struggled for years, this is devastating and not funny.

I may sound like a Karen but how could ebay allow this?