How do I tell my mother to back off?


My mother is a very narcissistic and invasive woman. She has been this way my whole life. And doesn’t mind “telling off” someone, as in putting them in their place. She loves to cross boundaries even when people tell her to stop or leave them alone. However when someone tries to put her in her place for crossing boundaries she goes ape crazy and act like they are crazy for telling her what to do. I am adopted and going through <a href="">fertility treatment</a> with my partner. My mother constantly asks questions and tries to plant little “seeds” as I like to call them. She told me today that we should adopt and it made me very angry and upset. I started crying and she continued on and on about adoption. I told her that’s not something that I wanted to do. She kept pushing me the whole time in our conversation. She’s not a stupid person and im sure that what she’s doing is on purpose. I told her she made me feel very hopeless and stressed. I had to end our conversation when she kept going and kept trying to get me to talk. How do I tell my narcissist mother to leave me alone about talking about <a href="">fertility treatment</a> and having babies?