Birth Story- loss trigger warning

FTM. I don’t know if you mommies have been following my story. Baby boy was transverse my entire pregnancy and I was originally scheduled for an ECV and birth on 10/24 but it was rescheduled to 10/26. After they prepped me for the ECV yesterday they did one last ultrasound to check everything BABY WAS HEAD DOWN! They started me on cytotec to efface my cervix and I did two doses of that. When they checked me at 10:40AM I was 1CM. Once my body started going I didn’t need the pitocin and although the cytotec gave me back to back contractions, I stuck it out and didn’t get an epidural. At 3:30PM my water broke and I was at 5cm. Around 6PM, I was at a 7cm and stuck there for about 3 hours which really discouraged me and made me reconsider the epidural but I decided to push through. By 10:30PM I was 10CM and ready to push!! I was so proud of myself. I pushed three times in 3 increments ( 9 pushes total) and he was out.

Once he was born he was laid on me and opened his eyes while dad cut the cord. We made eye contact but he never cried. Soon after he was whisked away to a corner of the room and 20 minutes later I was told his heart rate never went past 60bpm and he didn’t respond to the breathing tube or chest compressions. My baby boy had passed away.

I have no answers. I was 39 weeks 1 day. My breast are leaking. I have a first degree tear. All symptoms of having a baby and no baby. Sorry ladies, I am going crazy in this hospital room and needed to vent.