what supplements will make me taste good?

im looking for supplements that will make me smell and taste better. i’m aware that 🐱 should taste like 🐱, but my water intake is bad and i want to be yummy for my mans.

i’ve already started drinking more water and bought some supplements i saw a lot of people talking about online. I started taking refresh pro b and fenugreek. However, since fenugreek is a lactation product i’m having second thoughts. A lot of consumers have noticed an increase in breast size, and personally i don’t want my boobs to appear any bigger than they actually are. The pill promotes “estrogen placed fats” I’m not sure if the promised results are worth it in my case.

i’m looking for an alternative pill, if there is one, that won’t push this side effect. i don’t want to eat fruit every day or drink fruit juice, personally, and would prefer capsules.