Cycle Buddies 👀

So here we are this October. Here is my calendar so far.

Funny thing is my Birthday is the 22nd of next month…. All I want is to know my final bundle will be on his or her way. I’ve decided to be full transparent this cycle so I can look back and see how this all played out. In hopes of succeeding this cycle of the next. I should be getting these in 2 days….

Do you ladies think I should start testing when they come In or wait Till next cycle??? Anyway thanks for that… and here’s how’s it’s been as of

October 24 lol…

So today is cycle day 6 for me. I’m going to give a shot a consistently tracking daily this cycle and see what happens…. Stay tuned for updates and join in with me. We are surly all sharing feelings right about now lol.

So my cycle started 5 days ago and ended fully today…that’s how I got cycle day 6 lol.. I plan to get some opks on like Thursday and start tracking…as of now my CM is Drrryyyyyyyy Lol….Welp that’s that… talk later 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️😂😂

Oct. 25—So here I am again cycle day 7… we had another lovely Baby dancing session. Although I was DRIED OUT IT WORKED OUT LOL. I also noticed so pink spotting today….Likely from the end of my cycle…. Welp update ya tomorrow. ✅✅

Oct. 26—Hello all, I’m back with today’s update. Cycle day 8. Im feeling a bit more upbeat today. Although I didn’t want to get out of bed lol. When I went to the restroom first thing this am is was ok but on my 3 rd bathroom run I noticed some pink spotting….Im thinking left over from my cycle… but wouldn’t it be to late for that 🤔 I don’t know time will tell… Update ya tomorrow🤣😊

Oct.27— Hi there AGAIN Lol… today I’ve still been pretty dry and fatigued. Also I still had a tiny bit of spotting. Also I was pretty cramped up throughout the evening.


OCT. 31– Hey Ladies! Sooo the past couple days I’ve had what seems to be dry CM. My Opks have been showing positive I think….

November 1— So today I was feeling pretty bloated and gassy. It was literally almost painful 😖 also I noticed a pick up in appetite. I stopped using opks after I got the positive results. I figured it would be a waste since I heard they don’t pick up actual ovulation only the LH surge.

I have definitely been getting my grove on I truly hope this is my month! I wonder though… should I keep testing to see when the surge ends? Or should I save my opks 😂😂 I think I wanna keep testing so I can know for next month if I’m unsuccessful 🤷🏽‍♀️🤔 I’ll be sure to post tomorrow’s test for you ladies. Also beside getting my back literally blown out last night I’ve been feeling fine 😂😂🥰😊

So current update as of November 3– I’ve noticed the past days that I’ve been quite fatigued and experienced some pretty severe hunger… BACKSTORY ON THE HUNGER. I do suffer from bulimia Neversa Or something like that and it’s not like what you may think I can explain upon request. But anyway I’ve been hungry to the point of nausea so I’ve had to eat every few hours for the past 2 days. I have stopped taking opks and plan to begin testing on the 10th of this month. Also I will continue to document changes. This is the update of my calendar.