Baby not pooping


Update: thank you all so much, she finally had a large BM without any laxatives yesterday!!!! I'm so happy. If anything, ll update.

So my little girl is 3weeks and some days; she will be 4 weeks on Friday. When she was born, she was able to poop like 4-5times within 48hr period. She literally stopped pooping on her own at 3am at the 48hrs mark before hospital discharge and finally pooped on her own 4days later. Since then, she poops like 7-8days with the help of a laxatives her pediatrician recommended, so far she has had two and her poops are normally yellow with seeds. She is breastfed only for now. She tries to poop on her own because I could hear her strain. She is gassy everyday, I have tried everything natural to help her poop on her own but to no avail. I'm really praying this is no serious medical condition but we have her one month appointment coming up next month Nov. Please has anyone experienced such? I welcome any advice, thanks in advance.