5 Weeks 4 days Bleeding


Heyy ladies it has been a crazy couple of days! About 4 days ago I went to the ER found out I am pregnant and they did a vaginal ultrasound. Ever since they did the ultrasound I’ve had a little pink spotting that turned into brown spotting. Fast forward to yesterday morning I went to poop and when I got up to wipe I noticed bright red blood in the toilet and when I wiped on the tissue as well! So I went to the ER and the checked my HCG levels and they went from 9,794 to over 29,000 so she said not to worry because it seems that the pregnancy is going in the right direction and gave me 4 days out of work on a no activity restriction. There was no more bleeding past that one time that morning just a little brown discharge here and there. Now this morning when I went to poop and and got up to wipe there a little drop of brown blood in the toilet and when I wiped brown blood in the tissues paper. I just feel like I am going crazy because I’m like what’s going on!!! Is this normal? Has anyone one experienced this ?