if you’ve been pregnant before, what was the latest you got a faint??

hi! currently 13 DPO today.

No signs of my period coming (or any of my normal signs anyways). Having a lot of thick white discharge and normally by now I’m like super dried out

My cervix is high and soft as well and my boobs are extremely tender. There’s signs that I could definitely be pregnant and I did have light brown/pink spotting between 8-10DPO, it’s just hard bc I haven’t seen a positive yet

Also like ALL my food either runs right through my stomach and I’m on the toilet, or I’m constipated. Having some light cramping like in the pelvic area below where normally I get my period.

It just has me nervous lol!!

When did you get your first faint positive, if you’ve been pregnant before?? I know I’m not out until AF shows, it’s just nerve wracking.

Thanks so much!

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