I feel like my boyfriend still has feelings for his ex… Am I overreacting?

*I posted this before but didn’t explain it right*

My boyfriend and I have been together a month, were in the “talking stage” for a month before that. There is this girl that he has been friends with for a while that he used to have a thing with, they were unofficial but basically together, for 6 months or so. But she talked to her abusive, stalker ex and he didn’t like that she wouldn’t commit to him so it didn’t work out. The day after we got together, she messaged him and said she saw his relationship status and asked if they could still talk. He asked me and I asked him what he was wanting to do. He told me that he wouldn’t mind talking to her here and there. I told him I wouldn’t control him but that I didn’t feel comfortable with it, because in my mind it seemed weird that she would know so fast and thought it meant she still had feelings, so he told her that I thought she did and that he wanted to respect my feelings. The other day, he was on his phone and I was tapping on the screen and hit his instagram messages. She was in there and old messages pulled up. I found out that about a week before we got together but were DEFINITELY “talking”, he sent her $300 for her car. After he sent it, they were telling each other how they valued having each other in their lives. I told him I wasn’t sure how to feel about it and he said that it was because she has a daughter and he didn’t want to see them struggle. I also saw that in the conversation, at the end of Sept. where she asks if they can still talk, he’s telling her that it would suck if they can’t talk anymore but how he’ll never really stop being her friend. I asked him about that and he said “I was just saying that to not be a dick” but I felt like he was lying, especially bc afterwards he continued to go back and forth also saying that she’s “been there for him through important stuff” and “taught him a lot” and referenced my physically abusive ex to prove a point, so I was obviously highly upset and made the really really childish decision to delete her off his Facebook. We went back and forth and I apologized but was still upset, and he was too. Then he claimed she was a nobody and how he never wants to talk to her again. But then this morning, he’s readded her. So she’s clearly not a nobody and all that if he’s so set on her being around.

Obviously deleting her wasn’t the right way to go. But it also makes me wonder if it was because obviously something doesn’t make sense… right?

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