he never seems to want to spend quality time together…but will smoke weed and watch porn…

i would appreciate it if you could please read this and tell me what should i do?

we have two young kids and i’m pregnant with our third. i’m a stay at home mom and so i just want to communicate with someone other than two toddlers when he gets home.

he always prioritizes smoking weed for an hour or two. but never spending time together. i will stay up late just to hang with him only for him to ask to shower together and i have just been telling him no. then he will “try” to spend time at like 10-11pm and he’s half the time falling asleep. the only quality time spent is watching tv before bed.

even when we’re eating dinner he puts the tv on or looks at his phone. i’m getting tired of this. i feel like i have to always say something/ask him to spend time together or get mad at him for him to even try. last night i got upset with him and he doesn’t even care. he told me he’s not playing these games.

i also feel like he’s been watching a lot of porn, which i told him i don’t like. but he’s just not going to stop. so idk what i should do about that? he said it’s because i’m pregnant and we’re not having as much sex and that he doesn’t j**k off to porn every single time. but i feel like he honestly just results to porn before even trying to initiate .

am i overreacting? am i wrong? thoughts? what should i do?