Rollercoaster 🎢

Jessica • Mommy of 2. I have a 6 yo boy and a 2yo girl and a little miracle bean otw.

So I joined this group back when I first found out I was pregnant and due 4/27. A week later I started bleeding really bad and wrote it off as a miscarriage. I was devastated because I had one back in May. Fast forward to me bleeding for a month and a half(not like a period but when I wipe.) And FINALLY getting a doctor's appointment because I definitely needed to know what was going on. They tested my urine and low and behold I was pregnant. Just started a new job so no insurance,it's been a WHOLE thing and at the same time being confused. They got me in a couple weeks later for an ultrasound and what pops on the screen a little baby measuring at exactly 13w6d. Definitely a blessing and hubby and I are excited but it's been a lot. Still bleeding but the doctors aren't concerned so I'm trying not to be either. Just had to share this because I'm still in shock lol