Am I a bad mom??

How did your kid start talking?? Did you do flash card?? My son is 21month a old(22months in a week) his only vocabulary is dada and sometimes mama. Am I a bad mom because when he was little all I did was talk to him but I didn’t do flash cards or make him sit and learn objects. Now he’s 1 almost 2 and we play and I talk to him but is he not talking because I didn’t make him sit for books or sing songs or make card to learn objects. Did your kids just start talking from hearing you voice or did you teach them?? Like I’m feeling like Thai horrible mom. Also how long do they have playtime?? Do you play with them the whole time or do you play a game with them and then do your chores?? Am I a bad mom because I’m not playing with him constantly I just had my daughter 6months ago as well premie but I’m just feeling like I’m not giving him enough attention cuz I clean and then I take mommy time. What do you guys do??