Period pain

Destiny • 29, Virgo, married to a 6`3 sweet man, been 5`1 since I was 14, love kids, pink is my favorite color, ttc for baby #2 for 1 year. 3 chemical pregnancy. 2 miscarriages.

Ladies that have painful periods…like me…

What do y’all do or take? I feel they get worse every time I have a period.

(Like in so much pain you can’t really do anything & medicine really doesn’t do anything. & hospital will just laugh because it’s a ”period” even though your legs hurts, your lower back, & feels like tons of clots are coming out.)

I do have endometriosis & PCOS. I was on BC for 7 years, it took me 4 years after my husband & I got married to have our son. Then I found out I have I have PCOS. My gyno said if I want another baby I have to lose weight. I also don’t have regular periods, but I feel with each one I do have they are horrible. & I’m questioning myself if I really want another baby. This pain is awful every time.