Boyfriend putting friends before relationship?

So my boyfriend and his friends play competitive video games. He works every day as well. We spend a good bit of time together, I will be with him when he games normally working on homework. We normally don’t get like quality time together, but we are always doing something together if that makes sense. I’ve asked him a few times if we could maybe go on like a date maybe once a month or something where we are actively doing something together and not just me watching him do stuff. I always feel like he is talking to his friends 24/7. It’s okay to spend a lot of time with friends but I feel like sometimes at least sometimes it should be okay for us to spend time together where he isn’t looking at his phone? I also feel kinda weird whenever we are together and he will have to leave early because his friends need him to play a video game for a particular thing. We are planning on moving in and getting married hopefully next year, but it just makes me nervous if we are both working full time and I’m always going to have to do all the cleaning and cooking and he isn’t going to help me when is playing video games, I’m also concerned about having children. We both decided we wanted to have children soon and I think I would just be nervous about him being a present dad or not.

I’m just confused about how I should handle this or not, because I think we all need time with our friends 100%! But I don’t know if there is a line or if you should put your SO first or prioritize friends first? For me, I think it’s right to prioritize your SO first because that’s your partner, but I know not every one sees it that way. How am I suppose to handle this?