Is it possible to have a surge on cycle day 24 after a bleed from a early miscarriage?

Hey everyone hope you all have been doing good..

I had a miscarriage at 6w4d 24 days ago with everything passed and hcg back down within a week after the bleeding (bleeding only lasted 4 day).

I got pregnant on 150mg clomid obviously I didn’t take clomid again after the bleed.

However before clomid I would not get a line of any opk I have been using opks just to see what it be like on a cycle without clomid. It has been clearly negative till yesterday got a bit of a faint line however I was getting ewcm. Today the ewcm absolutely messing with me thinking I have been wetting myself as I have had so much ewcm which is not normal for me took another test and got this result is it possible to have a surge on cycle day 24 after a miscarriage

This is also the same darkness of the opk I got when I did ovulate last cycle. I don’t ever reach peak for some reason. I have uploaded image of the darkest test I got on last cycle.

I know it could also be a sign my period is on the way but I never get a surge before a period either. I’m just confused if it is a surge that I’m actually having on my own

Today tests

This is my test from last month when it was confirmed via bloodwork that I did ovulate (which is the cycle I got pregnant)