i had an early miscarriage


(these are only half of the tests i took)

14 tests total, all positive. Went to a Dr yesterday after my line yesterday was brighter then the others. Thought I was paranoid but I needed reassurance. They took blood from me (urine test was negative which makes 0 sense) and my HCG levels were at a 12. Dr confirmed pregnancy but said it wasn’t going to be a normal pregnancy and I’d have a early miscarriage. (They didn’t check anything BUT my blood & urine) I woke up this morning and dropped off my nephew to school, came back home and when I went to the bathroom. There was the blood… I am crushed. It still don’t make sense how i had 14 positive tests. And my urine was negative.

I need advice on what to do next! Do I count this as a period? When do I try again for my rainbow baby? I need answers!