Best birthday gift!

Ayla • 29 | Single | 🐱🐱🐱🐱👩‍🍼

Found out Sunday (10/30) which is my birthday that I’m pregnant. I’m 29 & single, decided to try on my own with a sperm donor. Was my 5th time trying in 4 years.

Sunday night I had an extremely vivid dream that I took a test and it was positive, I was so happy and told my whole family. When I woke up and realized it was just a dream I was sad, I just felt I was going to get a negative.

I got up and tested, I know you’re supposed to wait 5 mins, but I watched the test. At first it seemed like there wasn’t a line, I started bawling. I was pretty sure it was negative. I took it into my room, with better lighting and realized there was a line!

My first test

My test this am

This will be my first child. I am currently in the process of becoming a foster parent, this was my last try. I just can’t believe it. I’m currently around 4 wks. My periods are long and I ovulate later in my cycle so pinpointing my due date is hard.