Would you consider spotting…

Would you consider light to heavy spotting, reddish pink to pinkish brown blood lasting 5days a period?

Like maybe 1-2 very tiny clots in the toilet. No need for a pad or tampon, a liner once with very minimal on it.

I was a week late, negative pregnancy tests, egg white cm when I started spotting. We done the deed a lot. I just got off the depo shot like 2.5months ago. So haven’t had a solid “normal” period yet. I had heavy period like bleeding(cramps, clots, bright red) after a few days of spotting in end September. Figured okay finally my period. But then this and I’m not sure whether to consider it another “period” or not. Or if I should make a drs appt or if I could actually be pregnant.(tested 3days ago and negative)

Of course if continues I will make a drs appt but wanted opinions, advice, experience first as I’ve never had a “period” be so light. We did ovulation tests last month but never saw my peak if that helps.