Tampa Florida


okay long story. . I'm in Tampa / central fl

smoked my whole pregnancy and no one said anything but it was on my paperwork that I brought with me to labor and delivery. In triage I heard a nurse say I'm a drug test. she came in and didn't mention it. held my breath every time a nurse came in but nothing.

wirh my 2021 baby they had me pee in a cup legit my first time using the bathroom after having the baby. this time nothing.

no joke I almost made this post the night I had him when I couldn't sleep. I was AMAZED. again I got away with it. after all that stress!

then I was woken up at 3 am saying I need to leave a urine sample. my heart dropped. they left a hat. I chugged the big white cup of water and left a bloody sample. a new nurse came in and said I needed to leave one in a sealed container. I drank 2 more bog cups of water and then left it. it was the clearest urine I've ever had lol

I'd like to add I was brave and casually asked why and she awkwardly said it was because of marijuana use.

they also tested my baby. he had 2 or 3 urine diapers before this.

I never heard from the hospitals social worker and I checked my online portal and it said I was negative for thc. guessing baby was too.

he's about to be 8 weeks and I haven't heard anything.

I know how I obsessed over positive stories so I hope this helps some pregnant mamas