I want to rant this out


My 2 month old has been coughing for a 1 week now and it has gotten better. I've used humidifier, purifier, saline drops in nebulizer, warm milk, tiny wipe of baby vick on his nose, basically anything. This is my 4th baby so you can say I know what to do. I'm not trying to sound cocky or anything but I've experienced it with my other babies... but the thing is my mother in law... she called me today and asked me why I didn't tell her that baby is sick. I told her it's a cough so it nothing to worry about, if I was to take him to the er I would've told them immediately. But the way she is and thinks, I know she's angry that we didn't tell her.. I told my husband about this and he says that we don't have to tell her everything we are doing at home. I agree but I didn't like the fact she implied it. Like I HAVE to tell her. One of the reasons i dont say much to her is because she makes a small issue into a bigger problem. I hate how she doesn't respect my boundaries as well because when I say no to something, its like she doesn't give a fuck. She'll do it her way. I've been her daughter in law for 6 years now... I still can't say no to her and give my opinion to her without her respecting me and idk how to deal with it anymore. I thought moving out would've been easier but I feel like it's the same.