Likely ends right?



F19, My mother had endo and so did a lot of other female family. I got my period at 11, and it was extremely heavy and has continued to be. I have pain with sex particularly deeper penetration sex (my current partner is 5-5.5 inches so not like big), and when he pushes on my stomach it REALLY hurts, even lightly. When I’m having sex other the the sharp occasional pains, I have this deep back pain that gets worse the farther into sex I get. When I orgasm it usually is painful before and after, like a dull achy pain. I am bloated, especially before my period, and due to all this bloating in my lower abdomen I have stretch marks. I also have a hard time with tampons and cups since it makes my cramping a thousand times worse. I’ve had trouble sometimes with physicians with them believing me and due to moving all the time it’s been hard sticking w one. I’m scared of lapascopy and my last gyno was trying to get me on orlissa without one since it really seems like I have endo… can anyone share there experiences? Any advice? I feel bad my partner always seems so sad/ feels horrible when I’m in pain during sex, and stops often and checks on me. I don’t want to keep making him anxious.