Bleeding during sex. Is it normal?

Last week my boyfriend and I had sex. I will be honest it was a little aggressive and I started to bleed, like a lot. Not period blood but like a scratch type of blood (good amount of it) so I assumed that I may have had a tear in my uterus lining. For the next 3-4 days I would randomly spot. My boyfriend and I waiting a week before having sex again. The first time we were all okay. The second time I bled everywhere and there was a decent amount of blood as well. We were not aggressive whatsoever that time. Should I be worried that this is second time I’m bleeding. It’s not spotting and doesn’t look like period blood. It’s like blood that you see if you cut yourself but it felt like an abnormal amount? Any advice, recommendations, or suggestions? Or do you think from the original time I bled I need more time for the uterus to heal?