
If you’re an addict in recovery. Say you get in an argument with someone and get extremely upset and then pick up. Is it the fault of the person you got in an argument with?

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absolutely not. being an addict and in recovery is owning up to your own mistakes and not blaming others.


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No its not their fault I'm 6 years clean & if I use it's all on me no matter what happened


💗onelove💗 • Nov 5, 2022
Thanks girl it was a long road for sure!!!


ariana smols • Nov 5, 2022
congratulations on six years!


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No. It is one’s own responsibility to keep themselves safe from things they know are bad for them, whether that be drugs or toxic people. It is also their responsibility to learn new ways of coping when things go wrong. 


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It’s all on you. An argument isn’t a reason to pick up and use again. Whether you think the argument was their fault or not, it’s not their fault for you deciding to use again. That’s what recovery and the 12 steps are for; to help learn how to get through those tough situations completely sober.


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no it’s not. imagine telling someone they’re the reason you relapse. wtf. 100% of the blame is on the own persons fault.


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It is never the fault of someone else. It is the choice of the addict. You are not responsible for others actions. My ex was an addict and he would blame me all the time for falling off the wagon. However, near the end I was like you were an addict 12 years before I knew you, who's fault was it then? So no - absolve yourself of that guilt.