How to ask for a divorce

I already left and said that I was 95% sure I was going to ask for a divorce so it'd be a miracle if I ever came back.

He still tries to send me "I miss you" texts but I shut that down (nicely by not returning the sentiment and only replaying to what else he said or, a couple times, asking "don't contact me unless its about the dog" we each have a dog and I miss the other doggie so much)

When I left (400 miles away) he asked me to talk to him in person if I wanted a divorce. I told him that didn't seem fair since I've already informed him that it is more likely happening than not so he should be prepared for it, and why should I drive 400 miles to tell him in person instead of telling him over the phone. He started crying and said that he just wanted to say goodbye properly.

How is there a proper way to say goodbye? He's already lied to me for 11 years about the kind of person he is and now wants to demand that I take more time out of my life to say goodbye in a way that pleases him?

Im considering looking into an annulment (I have the option in my state) it would require me airing some of his dirty laundry (I screenshoted all texts) but that means I wouldn't be on the line for any of the student debt that he accrued while we were married. I dont care about alimony, I've got a job now and I only make 10k less than him. I'm fine on my own.

EDIT: Omg yall I thought the phrase "ask for a divorce" was synonymous with getting a divorce. I am definitely not asking for permission but I can totally understand with the phrase I used why you thought that. So sorry!

Also I did not cosign on loans but I thought debt was split in a divorce regardless of whose debt it was? I'll be getting some legal advice, but if annulment seems the best route for success i wouldn't need to retain one.