Can you get pregnant with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease?


If you had PID could you or did you get pregnant while you had it? And if you had treatment for it how long did it take you conceive after?

I have had weird pains since I got the IUD like 2-3 years ago. Then I got it taken 1 year ago. The pains didn't go away. Infertility doctor thought maybe endo. But I decided to see a endo / OB outside infertility to check these pains because it sucks. He actually doesn't think my symptoms coincide with endometriosis and suspects I actually have PID that was brought on by the IUD. I have been trying to conceive for over a year but when I got pregnant with my first baby I got pregnant first try.

So I'm curious if after I get the treatment that I have a higher chance to get pregnant. I'm wondering if having PID this whole time (years?) was causing me to not get pregnant. I know it also could have caused some issues(infertility) but wishful thinking right now.