Friend acting weird

My friend (i’ll call her bianca) and our other mutual friend (i’ll call her sarah) bianca and i were best friends a long time ago and then grew apart but still stayed in close touch and a few months ago we kinda re connected in a going to hangout again way (when i say we grew apart is more like stopped hanging out but still texted all the time) so she introduced me to sarah and when i met sarah it was the first time in awhile i hung out with bianca and after that us 3 hung out all the time, there were incidents with sarah where me and bianca would gossip about someone and sarah would be 100% in on it even more than bianca and i (when sometimes it’d be a person she had no reason to dislike but me or bianca had valid reasons if that person did something to us) and then we’d find out sarah was telling that person just what bianca and i had said (mostly me) and not even what she said herself, there was a bad incident where we had all been drinking earlier in the day and later that night we needed to drive one of my friends home, i stopped drinking pretty early but was still not comfortable to drive and sarah said she would (in my mind i’m thinking she’s good from the way she’s acting and her body language) so sarah starts driving misses the first right turn after we had told her at least 3 times a few seconds before the turn and blows through a yield sign and then misses another turn so she was clearly not okay to drive and we switched drivers to someone actually sober, a few weeks later we were drinking and talked about going to the store and i said i didn’t want to drive and sarah said “oh i will!” and bianca and i looked at each other and her like “👀😅” and she got extremely pissed off and said “fuck you guys i’m going to kill myself im leaving” and went to leave but we talked her out of it and she does that any time we talk about her actions to her or even just make a simple face, anyway bianca brought up how sarah always calls bianca fat and ugly and talks about bianca’s husband and eventually it has escalated to both of us not really liking sarah for many different reasons and she is copying everything bianca is doing, we all hung out a few days ago two of my very close childhood friends and bianca and sarah and my boyfriend, something of my boyfriends went missing and i know none of my friends would ever steal something because if they needed anything they would ask me and i’d give it to them, bianca agreed it was probably sarah and i’m not one to accuse anyone if there is no evidence but it’s just more of what i’m leaning towards and bianca says she’s done with sarah and all of these bad things about her but then continues to hangout with her, and maybe she doesn’t know what to do because she doesn’t specifically initiate hanging out with her, sarah more just shows up at her house, but i feel like if bianca really disliked her she would say something, it could be that bianca is just going along with me and does actually like her, except bianca is the one that always brings her up and talks about her and was the one to initially bring up her behavior when i don’t really say too much

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Posted at
This seems like something that would happen in middle school or highschool. Idk how people live like this. Drop them both. Make new friends. There's more the life then drama.


shian • Nov 7, 2022
to life***


Posted at
I'd find new friends all together this sounds like a huge headache


Posted at
Just sounds like a lot of toxic drama. I wouldn’t hang out with Sarah anymore for sure, I’d consider dropping the whole friend group if Bianca isn’t willing to hang out without Sarah