Does he have something going on with his bm ?

I told my bf I was gonna be an hour late picking him up . I sent him 20$ to grab food to sit in a fast food place nearby . He couldn’t get a ride so he gets his bm to pick him up . Doesn’t tell me . I show up to his job he’s not there I’m blowing him up his phone keeps going straight to voicemail . I wait 30 min there then go home he’s not there either . I text him no reply. He was off at 2pm. Comes in at 5pm. He works 22 min away from the house . There was no traffic . He should’ve beat me home . He comes in and says his bm picked him up, they picked the kids up took them home he chilled with them a bit and he gave her the money I sent him on her gas. He gets his kids on the weekend so he literally just had them. they ride the school bus home so why did they pick them up . And according to astros (Houston) winning most kids were out of school today .

Could he be lying ? And I didn’t know him and her were on good enough terms to be doing all that together. Me and him been together a lil over a year . They just had a falling out a month ago and since I been in the picture they haven’t been cool like that …my twin sister thinks he’s lying . Thinks they made up or got something going on the side but gave me just enough info to let it go .

What do y’all think ??

He says nothing happened. She only picked him up cuz he offered gas .