B4BYG1RLJ4YY • Can’t tell my stories anywhere else but here 😭🤣

This is so embarrassing for me to write but I really need help … I don’t have any close friends to talk to I don’t have any bestie that I can go and ft and call I haven’t had a close friendship since 2020 the year I graduated high school…. Anyways that’s not really the point but I’ve been dating this guy for a while it’ll be a year next month and he still hasn’t asked me to be his girlfriend… We hangout every weekend he texts me throughout the week, he always picks me up and opens doors for me… takes me out on these nice dates that he always plans… compliments me… he’s interested in the things I have to say— about 5-6 months ago I asked him what are we or something along those lines.. This man responds with “ I wAnNa sEE WheRe tHis goEs” I shouldn’t of ended it right there because I knew my feelings were involved but I thought I could just shove my feelings so far down so maybe that he would take our relationship further in the future. Of course I’m still here with the same wondering question but I don’t want to ask him I wanna end it bc I like him too much and I feel like I’m a placeholder until he finds what he actually is looking for… He constantly tells me how much he cares and appreciates me.. he sends me I miss you texts… he is always trying to get me gifts… but I refuse the gifts most of the time I don’t want him to think I’m using him… fuck I don’t know how to end it but Ik I should but I don’t want to be alone either he has become a close person in my life… I feel like I’m attached bc I’ve never been treated like the way he treats me I’ve never been taken out like that (I’ve never been in a relationship before either). I’ve met his parents and his sister and his cousin and they all know my name… I don’t know how to feel abt that. He told me the other day that he talks to his grandparents abt me and he wants me to meet them… I know the simple answer is to just confront him and ask me straight up but I’m so scared… and it’s most likely going to be the same answer. Can someone please tell me how to go about this. I feel like I’m scared to speak up abt it bc apart of me is scared to lose him cause I feel like he understands me… now that I’m thinking about it I just wish he was a girl so he can be my bestfriend…