Did your relationship change after baby?

My husband and my relationship has definitely changed. We have been through a lot. Our dating back in 2017, to our engagement in 2018, was all a fairytale dream come true. Then stuff with family bad drama not directly to do with us put a strain in 2019 whole wedding planning and we got married in 2020. 3 days later those said family members made a mess of stuff and it was very stressful. Covid happened and we never got to go on our Italian honeymoon. Oh well. I had to go to therapy cause my parents got Covid badly very badly… and overthinking became a huge issue for me. I got better as time went on. That all put a strain there. 2021 was great everything was better with overthinking and we got pregnant and were thrilled. Pregnancy was a dream and having our son was too! March 2022 he was born! Our first! It was a bit hard for my husband, he didn’t understand why I was worried or anxious if our son made a strange noise, the lack of sleep affected him, he said he couldn’t sleep in same room so I told him he could be in our room and I would go to living room with baby in bassinet. It was hard. I was pumping every 3 hrs as baby was in nicu and didn’t latch well. I had postpartum anxiety I imagine. Well I think with a culmination of stuff since the bad family drama he never used to be short with me temper wise and now if I overthink even a little (which was always a trait just got very bad and worse than ever in 2020 due to family drama and my parents getting Covid badly) he freaks out and raises his voice. I tell him I just want it back to how it was our relationship. And I know it will never be exactly the same because we are now parents and have a baby, and it is amazing.

Relationships change and evolve I just want him back to his happier self not short tempered. Etc. I hope this makes sense. He got upset with me and said I do this I ruin the day when I slightly overthink and he gets short tempered and I make it known it hurts when he gets short and raises his voice. He wishes I would just drop it. And not being up how it hurts me. Thoughts? Thanks