How long did it take you to conceive?



Hi all,

I am currently on cycle 10 this year TTC baby #2.

I just turned 32.

We were fortunate to get pregnant with our son the first month we tried. I know the rule is to try for a year before seeing a fertility specialist, but I’m starting to get concerned. I use OPKs and we time sex during the expected fertile window. So far I have not gotten one positive pregnancy test during any cycle and my periods are regular.

How many cycles did it take for you guys?

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Posted at
Do y’all ever think that the men could be the issue? It seems like lost of you all are doing the right things


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It’s not really a “rule”. Statistically speaking, while it *can* take up to a year for a young and healthy couple to conceive, it happens for 70-80% of those in the first 6 months. In the next 6 months, only another 10% or so of those trying will conceive. The first time around, my husband and I started seeing our reproductive endocrinologist at around the 6 month mark and I’m glad we did. It doesn’t hurt to get some easy and quick testing out of the way. If nothing’s “wrong”, you can always keep trying on your own but with that peace of mind. But then, you’ve already got the ball rolling if you decide (or need) fertility treatment down the road. I’m all for at least some basic testing after 10 months of ttc in your 30s. Good luck!🤞🏼


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Took 13 months with pcos. Im trying again 7 yrs later and im on month 4 of ttc. Look into to temping with a bbt along with your opks.


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Literally in the exact same boat! Following!! Sending love and baby dust to you!!! XXOO Hang in there mamma!


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First time took 7 months. Last year I had a miscarriage I wasn’t trying then. Now I’m 32, trying again on my 8th cycle, I also feel it is taking too long too I have regular cycles using ovulation trackers every month with no luck. It’s sucks 😢


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A year and a half for baby #2. Took about 6 months of actively trying for my daughter. All in gods timing hun, it’ll happen x


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7 months for baby #1 at 34 yrs old & 16 months for baby #2 at 36 yrs old


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First right away, no luck ttc second so far about 10 months or more in…


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First baby: 3months of trying Second baby: 1st month; we werent trying but we weren’t preventing either Third baby: actively tried for 16months Fourth baby: was on birth control & wasn’t trying at all lol