36 weeks/ Confused


So I went to my l&d and they said I am a loose one and 60 % effaced I'm having contractions that are 5 to 8 minutes apart they sent me home. My Dr has a ultrasound scheduled bc they worry that he is bigger then my last and I had to have a c section bc he could t come out because my body wouldn't open enough for him to. My point being no one is saying if I'm in labor or not I've completely lost my mucus plug. My water didn't break woth my first and it hasn't broke with this one. I'm hurting so bad. Tylenol takes the edge off but it still hurts enough to make me want to cry and scream but instead I just breathe and try to fight back tears. I'm due dec 6th. I just need answers or suggestions as my Dr's are not explaining things in a way that makes sense.