Just need to vent 🤯


Okay please tell me I'm not the only one with a horrible child right now! Today has me wondering where the heck I went wrong. 😫 Jaxson was home sick and he was just pushing every single button today. He has a really snotty nose so everytime he sneezes there's a ton of snot, I kept tissues right next to me so I could wipe his nose but he'd immediately wipe it on his sleeve or the blanket or the couch or my shirt and then smile at me and laugh. He also kept getting into EVERYTHING, threw several things in the toilet even with me standing right there. Tried to run outside with no shoes or anything on even though its 29 degrees here and he's sick. Throwing things at me, not listening, getting candy out of the pantry even though I said no candy. He just does. Not. Listen!! To me or my husband. I ended up getting so angry at him I screamed at him and locked him in his room. But when I do that he purposely pees his pants because he's mad I sent him to time out 🙃

Hes also been telling me he's going to kick me, hit me, shoot me or even kill me when he doesn't get his way. I'm sure he's picked that up at daycare. I tell him he can't say those things but he thinks it's funny. He's been hitting our older dog and even stepped on his tail purposely!! And throws his toys at him. He's extremely old and can't get away and I tell him we need to be gentle with the dog. He thinks it's funny.

I'm seriously starting to wonder where I went wrong. Maybe I was too gentle when he was younger and now he has no respect for me 🥲