Doubtful of pregnancy - I don't want to be pregnant


I had protected sex on 27th Oct and my last period date was 11 Oct my periods are missed . I took preg test on 10 nov & it came out to be negative. I'm feeling nauseated , headache , little cramps , heartburn , mood swings, tender breast nipples and bloating. I can't understand whether they are PMS symptoms and why my periods are not coming? One weird symptom I am noticing I'm feeling some heaviness uneasiness and pain in lower abdomen below the belly (above the vagina) , also I'm feeling uneasy and heavy heart .. what is happening to me ? Are these signs of pregnancy I am not able to understand. What should I do I don't want to be pregnant . I need some advice what to do next . I'm feeling like cramps but periods are not coming also cervical mucus is watery it is not like normal usual discharge which comes before period.