Need similar stories please!


My husband and I have been ttc. My period was due this Wednesday, so on Tuesday morning I took a test for fun. It was a faint positive. But then on Tuesday evening, I began spotting. Wednesday morning, I took another test, and it was darker.

By Wednesday mid day I had what seemed like a full blown period. Couple pads used throughout the day, heavy at times but nothing alarming. Thursday morning I took another test, and again the line was darker.

I had a dr appt and blood drawn on Friday, my hcg was 74. By Friday afternoon, I stopped bleeding completely. I have another blood draw on Monday.

The pictures below are the tests. First pic is Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in order and the second picture is Friday and today.

Has anyone else had this, where you tested positive, but bled like a period for a few days and then it stopped and the lines kept getting darker? Trying to determine if I should hold out hope! 🤞🏻