

My baby is only a week old but I am really suffering with my oversupply. I have to express before I can latch her because my breasts are rock hard and she can’t get a good mouthful. She feeds for 5-10 minutes on one side each feeding, and she sputters and chokes while she’s drinking, and then usually has a big burp and spits up quite a bit. If I don’t express a little after she feeds, I’m in so much pain and I leak full ounces into my breast shells. I express just to comfort, but even just 1-2 mins of pumping is pulling 2-2.5oz per breast. And then when I hand express before feeding her to soften my breasts I’m getting at least another 1-1.5oz.

I also still breastfeeding my toddler a few times a day, but she’s not on any kind of schedule and she only ever latches for a minute or two at a time, mostly for comfort.

I know the more milk I remove the more I will produce, so I try to express as little as possible, but I also know that not removing the milk can result in clogged ducts and mastitis, and I’m honestly in so much pain that I can’t just stop expressing. Does anyone have any tips for managing an oversupply? (I have an appointment with an IBCLC but not for a few more days.)