Worst Christmas Ever


I have been with this guy for almost 2 years and he didn't treat me very well, cheating on me in the past with his ex and doing whatever the fuck he wants. I forgave him and a year later things were the best they ever been. I then became pregnant and things went down hill all over again, he started drinking more, not coming home and when he would it be be very late hours or early the next morning. I told him that if things don't change then he will need to get out of my house and I can no longer be with him anymore. Of course he would apologize and say he wouldn't do again. He then fucked off for 5 days straight, I was alone for a Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> and woke up alone on Christmas Day (worst feeling ever) didn't even get a message from him or anything. Well it turns out he was with his ex for those 5 days he fucked off. I then told myself I can no longer live like this and I need to move on. I told him he needs to get the fuck out and my dad will be changing the locks. He of course realized what he will be losing because then I got the whole sob story that he wants to work on us bla bla bla.

I honestly am hurt but I knew that I couldn't stay with him anymore, and being 22 weeks pregnant I knew I needed to get away from the toxic person he is. Told him if he wants to be there for our baby girl he can but I'm not forcing him and he will need to do some major proving.

Anyone else going through this, stay strong Ladies❤