I want out!

I’m a 33 yrs old SAHM of 2 kids and have been with my husband since 13 yrs old and married for 10 yrs now but over the last 5 yrs our relationship has gotten bad he’s being more of an controlling person, drinking a lot (weekends only) but he drinking 12-15 beers a night and if something happens that he don’t like he flips out like tonight he got the hiccups and flips a nut smacking the wall, punching the door, then he went into our laundry room and starting beating in the door and then passed out and fell as soon as h hear the thud I went out there and he was down on the ground and our 15 yr old seen it, he had heart issues and he knows freaking out like that ain’t going to help at all but still does it. I want out I’m sick and tired of dealing with it all, he flips out has an episode then gets all pissed off crying cuz of what he did saying “I’m sorry” “I know I fucked up” “I won’t do it again” but guess what he does it again!! I don’t have a job, I used to buy for fired cuz my husband couldn’t take care of the kids didn’t know anything about issues if the had to when it came to them goes to the doctors or anything so I had to take days off and I ended up having to call in cuz he was so hung over to care for them, so I make no money, cars are all in his name, he knows if any money if missing for the bank account that shouldn’t be even when I go shopping and if I try to take cash out he has to see the receipt. I have to help form anyone we live in a small town and small surrounding town there isn’t any shelter or anything like that for women and I tried tell his sister how he is and she in her own words said to me “There’s no way he’s like that he loves you and the kids and would put his health and that at risk” so I gave up. I want to be free I don’t want to be controlled or treated like shit behind door and do what he does then he moment we are out around people I’m his “queen”.