Nursing newborn



Hey. Just gave birth to baby nunber 2. I had to pump at the hospital so that my milk came in and then supplement with formula. My milk is finally coming in, and I want to nurse baby, not have to exclude pump. I've tried nipple shields before providing a bottle of exressed milk, but he gets desperate ( obviously) because he has to work harder to get the milk. What can I do to help him latch onto the boob? Thanks!

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Why in the world would they make you pump. Milk can take a few days to come in (it took 5 w my first). Baby only needs colostrum until then. I know this doesn’t help, but I really feel like your hospital did you wrong.


Elizabeth • Nov 14, 2022
I had the same advice when I had my daughter 3 years ago, and she eventually took to the boob with shields because she was born a preemie. At 3 months, she stopped using the shield. I just don't remember how I got her to latch on


Ka • Nov 14, 2022
I recommend a lactation specialist.


Posted at
Ugh why are hospitals and doctors so uneducated about breastfeeding 🤦🏼‍♀️ your body makes colostrum immediately after baby’s birth before your milk comes in and it is perfectly suited to what your baby needs. A pump is literally never “necessary”. Your body knows what to do mama. I recommend getting baby to latch, and then hand expressing into his mouth while he gets frustrated waiting for the let down to come! Once he gets more of the hang of it, you can do away with that. I also highly second seeing a lactation specialist!! ❤️


Gl • Nov 14, 2022
Oh you’re doing such a good job mama, don’t feel discouraged! Breastfeeding can have such a rough start because they have to learn how to nurse! Obviously yes it’s instinctual but there’s a learning curve too. Keep doing what you’re doing and he will get it eventually ❤️


Elizabeth • Nov 14, 2022
I tried this too. I tried hand expressing some colostrum onto the nipple so that he would taste food and associate that will the boob. Still nothing. While nursing, I also want to start a stash for when I go back to work. I'm only one feeding ahead for now and it scares me that I won't be able to get ahead. Omg so many emotions lol. Sorry. Maybe I just need more time.