Am I toxic ?

My husbands ex bestfriend broke up with his girl a couple days ago and called my man out of nowhere to hangout after 4 years that’s fine whatever they went to apple bees then they took off but he told me they would be just driving around. They went to a local bar in a small city maybe 20 minutes away (I have his location) now they’re just parked outside. This friend does not like me at all bc my man chose me over his girls best friend……. And they did coke together. He hasn’t done it since they stopped being friends. Although I trust him I just have thoughts racing my mind wondering if they went there to get their coke bc his friend can only get it there and one other place 20 minutes up the city.. they’re not even in the bar anymore they’re just parked it will be almost 3 hours since he’s been gone…. I texted him once, called him once USUALLY I NEVER DO !!! i never call or text when he’s out with friends never but he didn’t communicate with me that he was leaving now now I’m just overthinking everything. I trust my man just not his friend.