Can anyone relate?


Hi ladies I’m 7w4d based on my LMP (Sept 22) but my first ultrasound today measured more like 5 weeks. The tech said it’s too early to detect a heartbeat and my OB wants me to come in 2 weeks for a repeat ultrasound to confirm a heartbeat.

I thought I was going to have a end of June baby but now it’s looking more like July. Anyone else had an ultrasound where they were earlier than expected?

I also don’t have any crazy symptoms like nausea or vomiting (luckily) I don’t know if it’s too early to start feeling anything else? The only symptoms I have noticed is fatigue and frequent urination.

This being my first pregnancy and also being a NICU nurse my anxiety is through the roof 😩 Super nervous until my next appointment but hoping and praying it will be good news 🙏🏼💕🤞🏼