Braxton Hicks at 20 weeks?

Cheyenne • I an 27 and I have a 3 year old boy, 6 year old boy, a 7 year old little girl, and 16 month old little girl
I am almost 21 weeks with my first baby and I have been having weird lower abdominal muscle cramps. They usually only happen when I walk or am moving around a lot. I been drinking lots and lots of water and even more when I get them so I don't think it's from dehydration. My mother in law thinks it's Braxton Hick which I had no idea you could get this early ( like i said, first baby so idk). Obviously if they get really bad or I'm spotting I'll call my doctor or go to the hospital, but I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing this right now or has experienced this? I just don't wanna bother my doctor if it's just round ligament pain or something. Thanks ladies :)