Early pregnancy or PMS?


15 DPO and the heartburn and nausea are real today. First day I’ve had this symptom. Mild lower back pain and mild cramping since 8 DPO comes and goes. HEAVY lotion like white discharge. This isn’t normal for me two days from AF. I’m normally dry around this time. Random but I also developed a yeast infection 5 days ago out of the blue. I never get those unless I’ve taken antibiotics. HORRENDOUS hunger but also after I’ve ate a meal, if the plate just sits next to me and I can smell it I instantly get sick. Tried to eat a cheeseburger yesterday and it just tasted too much like hamburger meat 🤦‍♀️ what do y’all think? I don’t want to test until I’m 2-3 days late 😩