Might be having an early loss 🥺


This was a surprise pregnancy; would have been baby #3 for us. Found out yesterday with a positive FRER/pregmate and had slightly darker lines on this morning’s FRER and pregmate with FMU. However I’ve been cramping on and off all day and have had some pink spotting with a bit of brown, old blood mid-morning. Just now had some more light spotting when I wiped; red in color compared to the very light pink from earlier today, although the fresh blood seemed to be mixed in my CM. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I’m trying not to fret since this baby was not planned, but still feel a bit sad if this is an early pregnancy loss.

Anyone else experience this and still carried the pregnancy to full term? 🤍

I’m including a picture of the spotting/potential early pregnancy loss, on the off chance that folks want to see it to compare their experiences. Don’t mind the snow and outdoor aspect to the photo— I live in a cabin with an outhouse 😅

I’d love to hear other people’s similar experiences! Did anyone have red spotting/ light bleeding and go on to carry to full term? 🤍