Drunk or roofied?

So I went out with my bf and his friends for Halloween 2 weeks ago. We went clubbing in NYC & all of a sudden, I was exhausted, barely able to walk, heart racing, & was slurring all my words.

We had pregamed before hand but I only had 2-3 drinks in the span of 4hours. Felt totally fine leaving there. An hour after getting to the club, I had 1 drink & that’s when it all went down hill.

It was all tequila, didn’t mix my liquors. I’ve had 3-4 drinks in a night before & have never ever felt like that, never even been drunk.

My bf noticed something wasn’t right & he drove me home, spent the night taking care of me. I didn’t blackout, still mostly remember our conversations (although very hazily), despite feeling horrible. This was a Saturday night. Stayed in bed all of Sunday— couldn’t eat or anything without feeling awful. Didn’t feel fully myself until late on Monday— a full 2 days later.

We assumed I was drunk. But because it suddenly hit me all at once after only 1 drink at the club, my bf mentioned that it could’ve been drugged. I never thought about that, but it’s definitely possible.

How does it feel to be drunk vs roofied? What do you think it was for me that night?