Please help. Why hasn’t my period started?

This is long but please if you can help me by reading and commenting what you think may be happening…

Just to give a little more information.. So my last period was from October 14 - October 20. Around the 29th my boyfriend and I were together and he fingered me and I grinned on him but we both had shorts on. Him and I have not have sex at all just fingering and messing around with mainly shorts/underwear on.

So about November 5th and over the course of about 3-4 days I started having light brown discharge which turned to pink, then brown, then it became blood red, brown again ,very dark thick brown ,that was snot like cervical mucus, then pink with a little blood, and yellow until it fizzled out. After that I started having clear discharge and milky white discharge.

Also during the course of this I took 3 early detection pregnancy test and all came out negative. One was a day after the discharge show. The 2nd one was a few days after the first one, a day before my period date, and the third on the day my period was late. Also my period/pregnancy symptoms are missing. No sore boobs, no cravings, no increase in appetite, no nausea or getting/feeling sick.

Now today I’ve gone to work and I have cramps on and off, I’ll feel like my period starts but when I go to the bathroom it has not. I have no discharge, I’m dry. Still no period/pregnancy symptoms and I don’t know what’s going on.

I called all the OBGYN doctors in my area and when I describe what I’m going through they ask if I’m pregnant and I say I haven’t had intercourse and then they say I need to see a doctor but they can’t get me in till around May/June of next year.

So please if anyone can help me with what might be going on or if anyone has experienced anything like this. I’m so scared because I don’t know what’s going on, I have no answers, and I can’t wait until next year. I don’t know if that was maybe my period, or if I ovulated late, of if I’m changing cycles? Please just try to help me.