Are you concerned about the increase of SICK?


Is anyone else weirded out with the amount of sickness since covid? It’s like the common cold and stomach bug are on steroids. Everyone keeps on saying it’s because of the lock downs. But in my area a lot of people didn’t lock down 100%. It was way more chillax.

My daughter started daycare in June and it’s been non stop. Rsv and cold weather sicknesses were crazy mid summer.

I have an almost Two year old in daycare and a 4 week old. Ugh. He’s been congested for a week (negative for RSV) but I am so anxious that my daughter will get sick with it and bring it home to him.

Postpartum has been awful. We’ve already tackled a cold virus … a fever virus… the stomach bug (which lasted over a week). It’s insane. I haven’t been sick since well before covid. Now it’s non stop in my house.