+ then - then vffl ?

skylar • Mom of 3 23.

What in the first response crisis LOL

Monday I took a test vvfl which started this at 7am

Tuesday i took a digital with that & got no 4am urine

Wednesday was shark white | vvfl very tricky (took that test about 7am)

Thursday result from this morning at 4am

( I put the times because I pee often through the night the 4am ones I held my pee)

Wednesday through me off because it was a VVFL if anything to take 2 today and have a vvfl again🤨

I know hcg doubles every 48 but now since that negative test I’m just worried

Monday & Tuesday are first response 6 day Sooner 12mIU Wednesday & Thursday are first response early result 15mlU

Same brand but Monday and Tuesday’s were the sensitive ones in